Saturday, 21 September 2013

Call for Papers

York  16th-17th May 2014

We are delighted to announce that the next CGG Conference will be held in York, one of England's most beautiful and historic cities, on the 16th and 17th May 2014. We now invite the submission of abstracts for presentations and posters for this event.

This conference aims to discuss and evaluate the variety of interventive treatments available to us and ethical decision making, regardless of whether we work alone in private practice or in larger institutions. The Conference will be set in York (Jorvick to the Vikings) and will include tours of various historically significant buildings ad collections on Friday 16th May with a full day of talks and posters arranged for Saturday 17th May.

Abstract submissions should include the following:
  • The title of the presentation
  • the names of all contributors
  • mailing address,
  • telephone number
  • and e-mail of the contact person.
Abstracts should be approximately 300 words and will be included in the delegate pack.

Deadline for abstracts: 17th January 2014

Contact: Rebecca Sanderson for presentations
              AC Orr for posters

see the website for further details: