Saturday, 12 January 2013

ICON PF 13 Positive Futures in an Uncertain World

The Ceramics and Glass Group are delighted to be able to announce that they will be holding a half day specialist session at Icon’s Conference 2013: Positive Futures in an Uncertain World - In partnership with the University of Glasgow.

Conservation past, present and yet to come...”

Five fascinating talks will take up through the history of ceramics and glass conservation, as well as introduce exciting new techniques for the future of conservation:

Claire Magill ACR and Fergus Purdy (National Trust)  "Conservation of the ornate Gothik wardrobe at Castle Ward"

- detailing the setting up of a temporary conservation studio at Castle Ward, allowing the public even greater access to the work of Conservators.

Peter David ACR   "The more it changes, the more it stays the same"
- a personal perspective on the changes in conservation over the last 30 years.

Hannele Hentula (Glasgow museums)  "Come to an unsticky end: failure of Ablebond 342-1 epoxy adhesive on a 16th century Venetian wine glass"
- an assessment of previously popular adhesives in glass conservation.

Ronald Pile  "To see or not to see? An alternative approach to contemporary ceramic restoration"
- a reflection on the differences in approaches to conservation in Japan and the UK following intensive in Kyoto.

Tiago Oliveira (West Dean)  "Temporary transfer papers as retouching media for ceramics conservation"
- the results of a study into an alternative approach for retouching ceramics.

Don't miss these exciting talks - 
choose the Ceramics and Glass session on your booking form!

Early Bird booking for PF13 closes on 18th January - so secure your place today!

Visit: for more information and booking forms